“School of Fine Arts” is a public secondary school for various artistic professions.
Numerous influential artists taught there, enriching its centuries-old history. School educates
students who are inclined and gifted for art, after an entrance exam whose purpose is to test artistic skills
abilities. Schooling lasts 4 years, and the average age of participants is 15 – 18 years.
The school has programs for the following professions:
Graphic Designer;
Cypriot designer;
Photographic designer;
Painting designer;
Industrial designer;
Fashion Designer.
The school has about 40 employees and 200 students. He is the winner of various
domestic and international awards in the field of art that are awarded every year. As part of
The institution also has an art gallery “School”, which has a regular annual exhibition program. Except
educational successes of the school, we are also proud of the family atmosphere we managed to create, aimed at
individual and interpersonal relationships. The school shares a building with the Art Academy located inside
student campus.